We organized a Meet and Code Event
The "Meet and Code" initiative is jointly supported by SAP, Haus des Stiftens gGmbH, and the TechSoup Europe network, and is aimed at introducing children and young people aged between 8 and 24 to the world of technology and coding.
SAP and the respective country partners of the TechSoup Europe network support local nonprofits across Europe to provide access to coding and digital skills for the next generation. Taking place since several years, the Meet and Code initiative gives children, teenagers, and young adults the chance to meet and program together, as well as to discover the thrill of coding and of the digital world as a whole.
As this concept is directly related to our values, Tun'Up Munich e.V. organized a workshop called “Tun’E Up Your Robot” on the 19. October 2019 at the “Olympiazentrum” in Munich.